Bash in April
Home Up

Bash on different occasions
Bash on grass - croniche
Bash - Many Pics
Bash starting to walk
Bash playing car
Bash in Blue
Bash In the Car
Bash at Corniche Sharja
Bash August 2004
Bash playing Tabat
Bash @ End of May
Bash in early May
Bash in April
Bash in March
In My Cot
Bash With Parents
Bash Junior
Bash Bashir
Bash 1 week old
bash 4 days old

Click on any picture  to  see a larger version of  it


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I know where my hands are

and i smile

and smile more

and again, you see I can suck my hand

Woke up from the fish smell @the market

I was smelling fish!

@home under the sun

see my eyes in the sun

look @my clothes


My Press conference appearance

@al kalha

My speech

more press pics

with a decision to make!

Responding to audience

funny comments?

In mom's hands looking @ Dad

In dad's hands looking @ Mom